Access to Scripture.
Access to Hope.

Urgent Needs





We Profess

everyone should have access to God's Word and the opportunity to form a relationship with Jesus.

We Partner

with ministries and organizations to distribute audio Bibles to the ends of the Earth.

We Provide

with your help, Bibles and enriching Christian content in over 8,000 heart languages.

Our global reach

Previous Distributions

Current Projects

Our Impact


We have distributed Bibles in 46% of the world's countries.

3.6 Million

We have distributed 3.3 million players across the globe.


We have 7,907 languages and dialects in our audio library.

Changing Hearts!

Our mission is to empower the Church to fulfill the Great Commission by providing access to God’s Word in every language.

We accomplish this by sharing the Good News of God’s love on solar-powered audio and video Bibles. These Bible devices are distributed by indigenous pastors, mission agencies, Bible societies and translators working in some of the most remote places on earth. Millions of lives are being changed as a result.

You can be the reason someone hears God’s Word for the first time.

Impact Testimonials

Here’s the three most recent updates we’ve received from the field.


Bibles in Guatemala

A recent distribution of MegaVoice audio Bibles took place in San Cristobal and surrounding villages in Guatemala. Bibles were donated by MegaVoice International and distributed by missionaries in association with our partners, Inn Ministries...

Ukrainian flag

Miracles on the Front Lines

Soldiers have testified to experiencing indescribable miracles as they carried and played their audio Bibles on the battlefield. One soldier shared a powerful account: “The enemy troops began to fire at us, but the moment…

Dam Spillage Ghana

Relief in Ghana

In October 2023, tragedy struck Ghana as the Akosombo dam spillage caused devastating flooding in nearby communities, displacing thousands of families and leaving them with nowhere to turn. The long-term consequences of this disaster have been profound…

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