Relief in Ghana

Relief in Ghana

4 April 2024

Tragedy Strikes

In October 2023, tragedy struck Ghana as the Akosombo dam spillage caused devastating flooding in nearby communities, displacing thousands of families and leaving them with nowhere to turn. The long-term consequences of this disaster have been profound, particularly for the indigenous communities living along the river. As schools closed and resources became scarce, the need for support and hope grew more urgent than ever.

Yet in the midst of this disaster, the provision of the Lord was evident through TheoVision and their partnership with MegaVoice International. TheoVision, an organization dedicated to making God’s Word accessible, stepped forward to offer aid and support. Thanks to the generous contributions of our donors, MegaVoice International was able to equip TheoVision with audio Bibles to bless the affected communities who had lost everything.


 “While food remains scare, the Word of God has brought us sustenance for our souls”

Though resources for this village grew scarce, this effort offered a different kind of sustenance—one that nourished the spirit. As families made camp in tents in surrounding areas, the presence of the audio Bibles brought a sense of comfort and reassurance. Despite the physical losses, the flood victims found solace in the knowledge that they were not alone and that there was hope for the future, anchored in the promises of God’s Word.

For many affected by the floods, the loss was not just material possessions but also spiritual treasures. As one man from the Volta region expressed, “We lost so much in the flood, including our Bibles and other valuable things.”

These audio Bibles quickly became a lifeline for those who had lost everything in the floods, offering comfort, strength, and a sense of hope amidst the devastation. As the communities continue to rebuild and recover, they do so with the assurance that they are not forgotten, and that hope springs eternal through the enduring message of the Gospel. Please join us in prayer for recovery and restoration for our brothers and sisters affected by this disaster.

Please consider partnering with us to reach those affected by disaster.

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